Transform Your Profile: Discover Rhinoplasty in Cyprus
Transform Your Profile: Discover Rhinoplasty in Cyprus
Looking for rhinoplasty in Cyprus? Dr. Stavrou is performing nose job surgeries in Cyprus (Limassol & Nicosia), Greece & Malta.
The nose is a central and prominent feature of our appearance. The size and the shape of the nose are generally affected by genetics and race. When the nose is bigger or smaller than normal or not symmetric with the rest of the face, people may feel unconfident. Apart from facial asymmetry, a nose with structural issues may also cause breathing difficulties.
Rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries performed at the European Institute of Plastic Surgery (EIPS). It is also a challenging procedure and should be done by a highly-skilled plastic surgeon with significant experience in nose jobs. During rhinoplasty, the surgeon has to think in three dimensions at all times. Even some millimeters can make the difference between a beautiful result and an average or poor look.
After many years of performing rhinoplasty procedures, Dr. Demetris Stavrou has reached mastery of shaping the delicate structure of the nose and correcting breathing disorders. He uses advanced rhinoplasty techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to give the nose optimal shape and size. For Dr. Stavrou, paying attention to the details is what makes the difference in a rhinoplasty plastic surgery.

What is Rhinoplasty or Nose Job?
Rhinoplasty (also known as ‘nose job’) is a plastic surgery that improves the nose’s look and enhances facial symmetry. It includes subtle or dramatic changes to the shape, size, length, bridge, tip and nostrils.
It also treats breathing problems caused by a deviated septum, including sleep apnoea and snoring. In these cases, the surgeon might combine the nose surgery with a procedure on the nasal septum or turbinate (‘SM Resection’).
Some patients have suffered nose injuries, such as nasal fracture, resulting from physical assault or an accident. In this case, medical insurance companies might offer reimbursement for a rhinoplasty.
Even subtle changes to the nose can significantly improve the appearance of the nose and face. After all, the nose is a prominent feature of our face and a determinant factor in how we feel about our appearance and attractiveness.
This surgery is suitable for people whose nose is overly large or too small or moves during speech and smiling. The ideal nose is proportional to the facial characteristics of each person.
To sum up, the rhinoplasty procedure:
- Reshapes
- Corrects
- Reconstructs
- And restores the patient’s confidence
Before & After Photos

What Are The Types of Rhinoplasty?
The nose consists of a supportive skeleton. The lower two-thirds of the nose are the nostrils; flexible cartilage like the one we have in our ear. The upper third is bony. There is another midline cartilage partition, the septum, that divides the two airways behind the nostrils. The septum supports the cartilage part of the nose and prevents it from collapsing. Rhinoplasty on Caucasian noses aims to decrease the size by reducing both the cartilaginous skeleton and the bone. A good rhinoplasty plastic surgery will leave no trace of a scar.
Dr. Stavrou performs all forms of rhinoplasty at the European Institute of Plastic Surgery in Nicosia, Limassol, Athens and Sliema.

Open Rhinoplasty
An open rhinoplasty plastic surgery allows comprehensive visualization of the cartilaginous and the body skeleton. As a result, open rhinoplasty facilitates the precise correction of nasal deformities. A subtle incision is made at the nose’s base (across the columella) between the two nostrils. Additional incisions are made inside the nose. Open rhinoplasty is ideal for patients with more severe nose deformities or for injured noses. Revision rhinoplasty is typically performed only with an open technique.

Closed Rhinoplasty or Endonasal Rhinoplasty
Closed rhinoplasty plastic surgery involves incisions inside the nostrils – in the mucous membrane (mucosa). No incision across the outer skin is necessary. However, the surgeon does not have a clear view of the nasal skeleton, which makes this type of rhinoplasty technique more complicated. The advantages of a closed rhinoplasty include reduced healing time and no visible scars.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty (African and Oriental Nose Augmentation)
The shape and size of the nose are affected by our race. There are Caucasian, African, Oriental noses and more. Conventional reduction rhinoplasty techniques are often not suitable for wider nostrils or flatter noses. For a small nose, the surgeon takes cartilage from other sites, such as the rib, skull or ear, and reshapes it to fit the recipient area (for example, the bridge line). Changes to the nasal bridge, adjustment of the nose’s angle and the size of nostrils are typical examples of ethnic rhinoplasty. The surgeon makes sure that the new nose harmonizes with the patient’s ethnic heritage.
Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty or Liquid Rhinoplasty
Non-surgical rhinoplasty involves minor and temporal changes to the nose. The surgeon injects soft tissue fillers with hyaluronic acid to reshape subtle nasal imperfections. The fillers may last up to a year. The liquid rhinoplasty is a medium-term solution, commonly used as a ‘tester’ before the patient opts for a surgical rhinoplasty that is permanent and long-term. Non-surgical rhinoplasty cannot correct all types of nasal abnormalities. It suits patients who need minor corrections of the tip or nasal bridge.

Septorhinoplasty or Septoplasty
Septorhinoplasty plastic surgery is a two-in-one procedure as it addresses both functional and aesthetic issues of the nose. The primary objective of a septo-rhinoplasty is to improve breathing through the nose by straightening the septum. As mentioned above, the septum is the skeleton inside the nose that divides the nostrils. This type of nose job is ideal for patients who suffer from a deviated septum. After the procedure, the patient will be able to breathe from the nose normally and have an aesthetically pleasing nose.
Rhino-Tip Surgery or Tip Plasty correction
Tiplasty (tip plasty) correction modifies the structure of the underlying cartilage to improve the nose’s shape. The plastic surgery reduces the width of the nose and gives it a sharper, lifted, more feminine style. The surgeon reshapes the nose from the inside to ensure minimal scarring. Depending on the nasal structure, rhino-tip surgery could also be performed with an open technique. Tiplasty plastic surgery does not include any bone work. It is an ideal nose job for patients who do not need dorsal hump removal.
Examples of rhino-tip correction cases:
- Big boxy tip: Large, rounded tips due to thick skin.
- Bent or crooked tip: One nostril looks bigger than the other, causing nasal asymmetry.
- Hooked tip: Tip rotation issues, such as an over-projecting tip, give the impression of a hook nose.
- Large and wide nostrils: Flared nostrils make the nose look flattened.

Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty
Traditional rhinoplasty methods involve the use of bone files, chisels and mallets that lead to bruising and swelling. As a result, the recovery time lasts longer. The European Institute of Plastic Surgery is one of the few centers in Cyprus, Greece and Malta to use the piezotome (ultrasonic) method. This ground-breaking technology allows shaping nasal bones with precision and high accuracy. Concentrated and high-frequency ultrasonics sculpt the bony skeleton without hurting the nasal soft tissues. Ultrasonic rhinoplasty reduces swelling, bruising and discomfort. In addition, the recovery is quicker than in conventional rhinoplasty types.
Revision Rhinoplasty or Secondary Rhinoplasty
If the primary rhinoplasty did not lead to the desired results, the patients might opt for revision rhinoplasty. This type of nose job is more complex and certain surgeons may refuse to perform a secondary procedure. Patients who want to undergo a revision rhinoplasty have to wait until they have fully recovered from their last nasal surgery.
2 hours
Anaesthesia Used
General Anaesthetic
Hospital Stay
Day Surgery
Pre Admission Tests
Blood Tests and Electrocardiogram
1-2 months
A few days
1 month
Final Result
Up to 1 year
Benefits of Rhinoplasty
Benefits of Rhinoplasty
Medical benefits of a nose job relate to breathing and correcting broken bony structures after an accident. Most rhinoplasty procedures, though, relate to improvements in the shape and size of the nose. Since the nose is a central feature of our face, this single cosmetic surgery can change the look of the whole face. Patients opt for a nose job to boost their self-esteem and confidence.
Some of the aesthetical benefits of nose surgery include:
- Smooths out nose bumps and lumps
- Reduces the size of the nose
- Reshapes the nose
- Improves nasal profile
- Narrows the bridge of the nose
- Shortens a drooping tip
- Reshapes and refines a non-symmetrical tip
- Improves the whole facial symmetry
- Brings harmony & proportion to the face
Medical benefits of a nose job include:
- Improves breathing difficulties
- Corrects traumatized and damaged noses
- Corrects anatomical defects, such as bent nose, septum deviation, turbinate hypertrophy, and nasal valve collapse
- Improves the quality of sleep
- Reduces sleep apnoea
- Heals patients from symptoms like allergies and congestion
- Boosts energy levels
What our patients say!
Rhinoplasty. Dr. Stavrou did an excellent job with my nose, the results are incredible, as good as the ones he has posted on his social pages. I had no pain after the surgery, no complications, everything went smoothly. The recovery was very fast, like 3 weeks. Dr. Stavrou was very kind and professional, I felt very comfortable with him and his team. I trusted him since the first meeting. I highly recommend him to everyone.
Natalie ArsalideApril 18, 2022.Dr.Stavrou goes above and beyond to be helpful throughout the whole experience. Overall I am very happy with my results as it is everything I envisioned and more.
Roberta MifsudMarch 24, 2022.Edit: I thought I'd add to my review after 1+ year post operation! I got my nose done by Dr Stavrou 27 months ago. The results are beyond excellent and I couldn't ask for better service from the doctor and the team! For anyone who's wondering, almost all of the swelling and bruising was gone after 2 weeks and my nose currently looks like it did about a month after the operation. I highly recommend him!! Old review: Today is the 10th day after my rhinoplasty with Dr Stavrou. Dr Stavrou operated on me following a functional rhinoplasty performed by my otolaryngologist. It was a painless experience and the results have exceeded my expectations! It hasn't affected my daily activities apart from the fact that I was not allowed to work out excessively. The swelling and bruising has almost disappeared completely. The results are excellent and I finally have a nose that complements my face. Not to mention the entire team was very helpful! Thank you so much Dr Stavrou!
Christina KakoulliMarch 4, 2022.Ήθελα εδώ και χρόνια να κάνω μείωση στήθους και η αλήθεια δεν το τολμούσα. Είχα ακούσει τα καλύτερα λόγια για τον Δρ. Δημήτρη Σταύρου και το αποφάσισα. Είναι ένας εξαιρετικός γιατρός αφοσιωμένος στην δουλειά του και με επαγγελματισμό σου δίνει το καλύτερο αποτέλεσμα. Για μένα το αποτέλεσμα είναι ένα μικρό θαύμα νιώθω υπέροχα! Γιατρέ σ' ευχαριστώ πολύ για το άψογο αποτέλεσμα. Εύχομαι καλή συνέχεια και με την καταπληκτική σου δουλειά να κάνεις χαρούμενους ανθρώπους.
Demetra DemetriouFebruary 7, 2022.After years of not feeling so confident , due to my breast size I met Dr. Stavrou and from my first consultation I knew he was the right doctor for my procedure. Totally calm and assertive , he guided me to the correct choice, resulting in a perfect outcome making me feel not only extremely confident now but also natural ! I highly recommend him to any women who is facing similar issues. Dr Stavrou thank you once again !!
Tekla MadarJanuary 23, 2022.Η περίπτωση μου ήταν λιγότερο συχνή και διαφορετική από αυτές που ακούμε στην καθημερινότητά μας. Μεγάλες αυξομειώσεις βάρους (40-50 κιλά) μετά από δύο βαριατρικές επεμβάσεις για αντιμετώπιση της νοσογόνου παχυσαρκίας, με αποτέλεσμα την υπερβολική χαλάρωση του δέρματος σε πολλά σημεία του σώματος. Είχα την τύχη να ακούσω για το Δρ. Σταύρου από φιλικά άτομα, και όταν αποφάσισα να επισκεφτώ πλαστικό χειρούργο ήταν ο πρώτος που πήγα και εκεί άκουσα και έμαθα για το body contouring. Ακολούθησαν πολλά ραντεβού, άπειρες ερωτήσεις, απορίες και φόβος από την πλευρά μου. Όλες οι απαντήσεις του Δρ. Σταύρου άμεσες και ειλικρινείς, ακόμα και αυτές που δε μιλούσαν για βελτίωση όπως ήθελα να ακούσω! Καμιά απάντηση δε δόθηκε απλά για να μου «χαϊδέψει» τα αυτιά. Ο ίδιος με παρότρυνε να επισκεφτώ και άλλους πλαστικούς για να ακούσω και άλλες γνώμες. Τελικά, ήταν ο μόνος που με έπεισε, ο μόνος που μπορούσε να καθησυχάσει το φόβο, το άγχος και την αγωνία μου και ο μόνος που είχε απάντηση σε ότι τον ρωτούσα και έτσι ακολούθησα το ένστικτό μου και επέλεξα τον Δρ. Σταύρου για να προχωρήσουμε μαζί σε όλο αυτό που αποφάσισα να κάνω. Ήξερα από την αρχή ότι τα χειρουργεία θα ήταν πολύωρα και αυτό με φόβιζε περισσότερο αλλά ο γιατρός ήταν εκείνος που με την ηρεμία του με καθησύχαζε. Σε περίοδο έξι μηνών υποβλήθηκα σε δύο πολύωρα χειρουργεία. Η μετεγχειρητική μου πορεία και στις δύο επεμβάσεις ήταν η καλύτερη δυνατή και η ανάρρωση πολύ πιο εύκολη από όσο περίμενα και από όσο προετοιμάστηκα ψυχολογικά να αντέξω. Όλα όσα μου είπε ο Δρ. Σταύρου για τη μετεγχειρητική πορεία, τον πόνο και την ταλαιπωρία, δεν ειπώθηκαν απλά για να με «παρηγορήσουν» να μη φοβάμαι και να μην ανησυχώ. Ήταν όλα ειλικρινή και αντικειμενικά. Όπως ακριβώς μου τα περιέγραψε, έτσι ακριβώς έγιναν. Ακόμα και στα θέματα που αφορούσαν τη ψυχολογία μου ο γιατρός ήταν εκείνος που ήρεμος, μετρημένος και χαμογελαστός με καθησύχαζε. Γιατί όταν ένα άτομο μπαίνει στη διαδικασία να αρχίσει κάτι τόσο σημαντικό, δε μετράει μόνο το να είσαι άψογος σαν επαγγελματίας απέναντί του, αλλά και το να γνωρίζεις τη ψυχολογία του ασθενή σου ανάλογα με την κάθε περίπτωση και ο Δρ. Σταύρου κατέχει την πρώτη θέση και στα δύο!! Αισθάνομαι τυχερή που επέλεξα να εμπιστευτώ στα χέρια του γιατρού Δρ. Σταύρου την αποκατάσταση του σώματός μου και που ο φόβος δεν με απέτρεψε από το να αποφασίσω να κάνω όλα όσα η περίπτωσή μου απαιτούσε, ώστε να έχω το καλύτερο δυνατό αποτέλεσμα. Θα ήταν άδικο αν ο φόβος και η ανησυχία για τα πολύωρα χειρουργεία, τον πόνο και την ανάρρωση δε με άφηναν να έχω κάτι καλύτερο. Γιατρέ μου σε ευχαριστώ για όλα! Συνέχισε το λειτούργημα που κάνεις με τον ίδιο ακριβώς τρόπο που το κάνεις γιατί είναι σπάνια και μεγάλη αρετή να έχεις την ικανότητα και τη δύναμη να χαρίζεις τόσα πολλά χαμόγελα στους ανθρώπους!
Chryso ΚJanuary 22, 2022.I empiria mou me tin epemvasi rinoplastikis itan arketa kali..to apotelesma mou einai ekseretiko aksizi ton kopo!! o giatros mu poli kalos kai eksipiretiko olo to prosopiko! Den ixa kanena idietero pono oute taleporia mono 2-3 meres imun pio prosektiki meta itan ola mia xara, stin evdomada ekana oles tis kathimerines drastiriotites pu ekana kai prin..aksizi ton kopo kai me to parapano tha to ksanakana!!🙂
eleni tirimouJanuary 21, 2022.Google rating score: 5.0 of 5, based on 213 reviews
What Does It Involve?
On the day of the procedure, the patient should arrive on time at the clinic. For a smooth admission process, the nurses measure the patient’s vital signs, such as blood pressure and heart rate. Then, the anesthesiologist meets the patient for a pre-op airway assessment. Finally, the surgeon performs a detailed marking of the nose sites that should be treated. The team prepares the patient for the plastic surgery in a sterile, safe and well-controlled operation room.
Step 1: Anesthesia
The first procedural step is general anesthesia performed by a certified anesthesiologist.
Step 2: Incisions
During the nose surgery, the surgeon performs incisions to facilitate access to the bony skeleton and cartilage of the nose. The type number of incisions depends on the rhinoplasty procedure the surgeon has designed to fit each patient’s unique needs and objectives.
For example, in the case of an open nose job, the surgeon performs a subtle incision at the nose’s base (across the columella) between the two nostrils. In a closed rhinoplasty, the incisions take place inside the nostril.
Step 3: Closing incisions
The incisions are closed with exceptional attention to detail.
A primary rhinoplasty requires roughly two to four hours to be complete. A revision rhinoplasty might last longer.
Once the rhinoplasty is complete, the patient recuperates in the recovery suite. A few hours later, the surgeon shares some post-operative advice with the patient. A gauze dressing is strapped under the nose that the patient will need to change at home. A splint will be necessary for up to 10 days after the plastic surgery. Bleeding from the nostrils over the first hours is common if the treatment involves the septum or turbinate. Oral pain medicine will help relieve potential post-op pain.

It is very important for patients to have a responsible adult to accompany them home and look after them for the first 24 hours. The specialist post-op team at EIPS is available round the clock for any concerns the patient might have in the first 24 hours at least. The patient receives regular calls from the EIPS post-op team who wants to monitor if the recovery runs smoothly.
Over the first week after the plastic surgery, the patient feels discomfort. There is bruising and swelling in the treated area and under the eyes for the first seven to 10 days. These symptoms are more common in complex rhinoplasties that involve resetting the nose’s bones. In general, recovery depends on the extent of the nose surgery and any accompanying procedures.
The splint is removed during the follow-up visit, seven to 10 days after the rhinoplasty surgery. The nose is usually swollen at this point. The final shape will take from six months up to 1 year to settle.
The patient should avoid sunlight to prevent skin pigmentation and smoking. Skincare and sun protection are a must during the recovery period. Any intense exercise or heavy lifting is forbidden for at least four weeks. Yet, walking and similar gentle exercise help decrease the risk of blood clots.
Although the results are permanent, the soft tissue and nose cartilage might change with time. Read more about rhinoplasty recovery & risks.
Where Will It Take Place?
Dr. Stavrou performs rhinoplasty in accredited medical centers in Cyprus, Greece and Malta.
The rhinoplasty plastic surgery takes place in a secure and sterile operation room. The surgeon uses only state-of-the-art medical equipment. The staff involved is fully trained and specialized in cosmetic surgery. Dr. Stavrou wants to ensure a safe, well-controlled and comfortable surgical experience for his patient.
After the procedure, the patient is transferred to the recovery suite and is closely monitored by the medical staff.
The European Institute of Plastic Surgery (EIPS) offers premium health care and meets the high standards of safety and care set by European laws. EIPS clinics provide individualized health care in a beautiful, exclusive and luxurious environment.

Meet Dr. Demetris Stavrou
Dr. Stavrou is a board-certified Plastic Surgeon leading the European Institute of Plastic Surgery since 2012. He was trained in top Medical Institutions in Greece, London, Melbourne and Israel. He has extensive experience in all types of plastic surgery and an artistic eye. He is compassionate and always by the side of his patients to make them feel comfortable, secure and confident. For Dr. Stavrou, paying attention to the details is what makes the difference in cosmetic procedures.
- Assistant Professor, St George’s, University of London / Medical School at the University of Nicosia
- Honorary Tutor at the University of Cardiff, School of Medicine, UK
- MSc with Distinction in “Wound Healing and Tissue Repair”, University of Cardiff, School of Medicine, U.K
- Fellow of the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery (EBOPRAS)
- International Member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)
- ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) Instructor
- Fellowship in “Advanced Aesthetic Surgery” from the Melbourne Institute of Plastic Surgery – Monash University, Australia
- Nicosia, Cyprus +357 70088002
- Limassol, Cyprus +357 70088002
- Greece +30 6971881572
- Malta +356 79317641
Am I a Good Candidate?
All healthy people with no serious medical history are good candidates for aesthetic procedures like rhinoplasty. Also, patients should have realistic expectations of what they want to achieve with rhinoplasty plastic surgery.
Ideal candidates should be at least 18 years old as an immature nose skeleton makes rhinoplasty results less efficient.
Objectives and concerns will be discussed in depth with the surgeon in the initial consultations.