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Neck Lift

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Neck Lift Surgery in Cyprus

An aging neckline can be a big concern for both men and women. Numerous factors such as gravity, weight fluctuations, sun exposure and aging are causing the jowls and neck structure to lose their tightness and youthful shape.

Dr. Stavrou performs neck lift surgery in Cyprus, Greece and Malta for males and females who wish to tighten loose neck skin, remove excess fat and improve their jawline and skin in the delicate neck area. 

What is a Neck Lift?

The neck lift (also called a lower rhytidectomy), is a cosmetic surgery that can effectively and safely restore a more youthful contour of the lower face and neck.

The plastic surgeon modifies the underlying muscles (platysma), redrapes the skin and removes any excess fat and skin in order to restore the neck contour and create a youthful, natural-looking neck.

It differs from a full facelift in that it focuses on treating the lower third of the face and the entire neck. Moreover, a neck lift does not address the cheeks. Deep creases below the cheeks deep nasolabial folds and cheeks that need elevation can be addressed by a deep plane facelift.

Before & After Photos

Who is a Good Candidate for a Neck Lift?

Good candidates for a neck lift include individuals who are healthy, in good physical shape, and at their ideal body weight. It is essential to have realistic expectations and a positive outlook.

  • Individuals who want to restore smooth, well-defined jowls and neck since theirs have developed crepe-like skin and have lost their sharpness, resulting in a “Turkey Neck”.

  • Individuals whose neck might have accumulated excess fat and they have formed a “Double Chin”. This can also be caused by genetics. Anyone with a family history of skin with little elasticity or double chins might be more likely to develop one themselves.

  • Individuals who have achieved significant weight loss and want to get rid of any excess loose skin that has lost its elasticity.

  • Individuals who are self-conscious about a bulging neckline.

  • Individuals who feel uncomfortable in their clothing and limit themselves on the styles of clothing/jewelry due to excess fat of the neck.


2-3 hours

Anaesthesia Used

General Anesthesia

Hospital Stay

1 day

Pre Admission Tests

Blood Tests


a few days


a few days


1 month

Final Result

3-4 months

Neck Liposuction

Neck liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure designed to eliminate the excess fatty tissue that develops under the chin and along the neck. This technique adds contour and definition to the neck, providing long-lasting results with minimal downtime

The neck liposuction surgery can be performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation for optimal comfort, control and safety.

The surgeon starts by making two to three incisions under the chin or behind the ears, just large enough to introduce the liposuction cannula.

Dr. Stavrou will then meticulously sculpt the area by suctioning away the excess fatty tissue until the desired contour has been achieved.

Most of the bruising and swelling should subside within three weeks and patients should be able to return to work within a week.

It is important that the skin still has a healthy elasticity, or the remaining tissue may become deflated and saggy after the liposuction. Those with moderate to severe lax skin may be encouraged to consider a neck lift, eliminating the excess tissue, as well.

Pain and discomfort are minimal and can be well-controlled with prescription medications or over-the-counter pain relievers. Most patients are feeling and looking well enough to return to work in two days.

A youthful, sculpted neckline can be restored with a single treatment.

Neck liposuction results can be seen immediately. However, they will continue to improve as any swelling and discoloration resolves (2-3 weeks).

If the patient maintains a consistent weight, the effects of chin liposuction are permanent.

What our patients say!

Rhinoplasty. Dr. Stavrou did an excellent job with my nose, the results are incredible, as good as the ones he has posted on his social pages. I had no pain after the surgery, no complications, everything went smoothly. The recovery was very fast, like 3 weeks. Dr. Stavrou was very kind and professional, I felt very comfortable with him and his team. I trusted him since the first meeting. I highly recommend him to everyone.
Natalie Arsalide
Natalie Arsalide
April 18, 2022.
Dr.Stavrou goes above and beyond to be helpful throughout the whole experience. Overall I am very happy with my results as it is everything I envisioned and more.
Roberta Mifsud
Roberta Mifsud
March 24, 2022.
Edit: I thought I'd add to my review after 1+ year post operation! I got my nose done by Dr Stavrou 27 months ago. The results are beyond excellent and I couldn't ask for better service from the doctor and the team! For anyone who's wondering, almost all of the swelling and bruising was gone after 2 weeks and my nose currently looks like it did about a month after the operation. I highly recommend him!! Old review: Today is the 10th day after my rhinoplasty with Dr Stavrou. Dr Stavrou operated on me following a functional rhinoplasty performed by my otolaryngologist. It was a painless experience and the results have exceeded my expectations! It hasn't affected my daily activities apart from the fact that I was not allowed to work out excessively. The swelling and bruising has almost disappeared completely. The results are excellent and I finally have a nose that complements my face. Not to mention the entire team was very helpful! Thank you so much Dr Stavrou!
Christina Kakoulli
Christina Kakoulli
March 4, 2022.
Ήθελα εδώ και χρόνια να κάνω μείωση στήθους και η αλήθεια δεν το τολμούσα. Είχα ακούσει τα καλύτερα λόγια για τον Δρ. Δημήτρη Σταύρου και το αποφάσισα. Είναι ένας εξαιρετικός γιατρός αφοσιωμένος στην δουλειά του και με επαγγελματισμό σου δίνει το καλύτερο αποτέλεσμα. Για μένα το αποτέλεσμα είναι ένα μικρό θαύμα νιώθω υπέροχα! Γιατρέ σ' ευχαριστώ πολύ για το άψογο αποτέλεσμα. Εύχομαι καλή συνέχεια και με την καταπληκτική σου δουλειά να κάνεις χαρούμενους ανθρώπους.
Demetra Demetriou
Demetra Demetriou
February 7, 2022.
After years of not feeling so confident , due to my breast size I met Dr. Stavrou and from my first consultation I knew he was the right doctor for my procedure. Totally calm and assertive , he guided me to the correct choice, resulting in a perfect outcome making me feel not only extremely confident now but also natural ! I highly recommend him to any women who is facing similar issues. Dr Stavrou thank you once again !!
Tekla Madar
Tekla Madar
January 23, 2022.
Η περίπτωση μου ήταν λιγότερο συχνή και διαφορετική από αυτές που ακούμε στην καθημερινότητά μας. Μεγάλες αυξομειώσεις βάρους (40-50 κιλά) μετά από δύο βαριατρικές επεμβάσεις για αντιμετώπιση της νοσογόνου παχυσαρκίας, με αποτέλεσμα την υπερβολική χαλάρωση του δέρματος σε πολλά σημεία του σώματος. Είχα την τύχη να ακούσω για το Δρ. Σταύρου από φιλικά άτομα, και όταν αποφάσισα να επισκεφτώ πλαστικό χειρούργο ήταν ο πρώτος που πήγα και εκεί άκουσα και έμαθα για το body contouring. Ακολούθησαν πολλά ραντεβού, άπειρες ερωτήσεις, απορίες και φόβος από την πλευρά μου. Όλες οι απαντήσεις του Δρ. Σταύρου άμεσες και ειλικρινείς, ακόμα και αυτές που δε μιλούσαν για βελτίωση όπως ήθελα να ακούσω! Καμιά απάντηση δε δόθηκε απλά για να μου «χαϊδέψει» τα αυτιά. Ο ίδιος με παρότρυνε να επισκεφτώ και άλλους πλαστικούς για να ακούσω και άλλες γνώμες. Τελικά, ήταν ο μόνος που με έπεισε, ο μόνος που μπορούσε να καθησυχάσει το φόβο, το άγχος και την αγωνία μου και ο μόνος που είχε απάντηση σε ότι τον ρωτούσα και έτσι ακολούθησα το ένστικτό μου και επέλεξα τον Δρ. Σταύρου για να προχωρήσουμε μαζί σε όλο αυτό που αποφάσισα να κάνω. Ήξερα από την αρχή ότι τα χειρουργεία θα ήταν πολύωρα και αυτό με φόβιζε περισσότερο αλλά ο γιατρός ήταν εκείνος που με την ηρεμία του με καθησύχαζε. Σε περίοδο έξι μηνών υποβλήθηκα σε δύο πολύωρα χειρουργεία. Η μετεγχειρητική μου πορεία και στις δύο επεμβάσεις ήταν η καλύτερη δυνατή και η ανάρρωση πολύ πιο εύκολη από όσο περίμενα και από όσο προετοιμάστηκα ψυχολογικά να αντέξω. Όλα όσα μου είπε ο Δρ. Σταύρου για τη μετεγχειρητική πορεία, τον πόνο και την ταλαιπωρία, δεν ειπώθηκαν απλά για να με «παρηγορήσουν» να μη φοβάμαι και να μην ανησυχώ. Ήταν όλα ειλικρινή και αντικειμενικά. Όπως ακριβώς μου τα περιέγραψε, έτσι ακριβώς έγιναν. Ακόμα και στα θέματα που αφορούσαν τη ψυχολογία μου ο γιατρός ήταν εκείνος που ήρεμος, μετρημένος και χαμογελαστός με καθησύχαζε. Γιατί όταν ένα άτομο μπαίνει στη διαδικασία να αρχίσει κάτι τόσο σημαντικό, δε μετράει μόνο το να είσαι άψογος σαν επαγγελματίας απέναντί του, αλλά και το να γνωρίζεις τη ψυχολογία του ασθενή σου ανάλογα με την κάθε περίπτωση και ο Δρ. Σταύρου κατέχει την πρώτη θέση και στα δύο!! Αισθάνομαι τυχερή που επέλεξα να εμπιστευτώ στα χέρια του γιατρού Δρ. Σταύρου την αποκατάσταση του σώματός μου και που ο φόβος δεν με απέτρεψε από το να αποφασίσω να κάνω όλα όσα η περίπτωσή μου απαιτούσε, ώστε να έχω το καλύτερο δυνατό αποτέλεσμα. Θα ήταν άδικο αν ο φόβος και η ανησυχία για τα πολύωρα χειρουργεία, τον πόνο και την ανάρρωση δε με άφηναν να έχω κάτι καλύτερο. Γιατρέ μου σε ευχαριστώ για όλα! Συνέχισε το λειτούργημα που κάνεις με τον ίδιο ακριβώς τρόπο που το κάνεις γιατί είναι σπάνια και μεγάλη αρετή να έχεις την ικανότητα και τη δύναμη να χαρίζεις τόσα πολλά χαμόγελα στους ανθρώπους!
Chryso Κ
Chryso Κ
January 22, 2022.
I empiria mou me tin epemvasi rinoplastikis itan arketa apotelesma mou einai ekseretiko aksizi ton kopo!! o giatros mu poli kalos kai eksipiretiko olo to prosopiko! Den ixa kanena idietero pono oute taleporia mono 2-3 meres imun pio prosektiki meta itan ola mia xara, stin evdomada ekana oles tis kathimerines drastiriotites pu ekana kai prin..aksizi ton kopo kai me to parapano tha to ksanakana!!🙂
eleni tirimou
eleni tirimou
January 21, 2022.

Neck Lift Surgical Techniques

There are many different ways to achieve a more aesthetic neckline, determined by the individual’s anatomy and preferences.


The platysma is a thin layer of muscle on either side of the neck separated into two sides along the midline, hence the term platysmaplasty surgery. The purpose of the muscle is to draw the lower lip and corner of the mouth sideways and downwards in what is often described as an expression of surprise or fright.

As we age, the connective tissue linking the platysma to the skin becomes loose and the gap in the midline of the platysma often becomes wider. With time and gravity, the fibres that join the platysma to the skin begin to weaken and the muscle sags downwards, giving the neck a sagging appearance (turkey-neck).

A platysmaplasty involves tightening the platysma muscle and lifting it upwards. Typically a small, discrete incision of 1cm is made under the chin to access the area where the two muscle bands have separated. These will then be sutured together in the midline – known as the midline platysma plication. The purpose of joining the muscles in the midline is to create a single muscular sheet that is resistant to the formation of neck bands and enhances the definition of the jawline and neck.

The goal of platysmaplasty is to create a taut, smooth muscle layer and a sharp transition between the neck and jaw, which translates to an improved neck angle and a more youthfully defined neck and jawline.

An isolated platysmaplasty is not recommended for patients with more significant aging and heavier drooping neck as it then must be combined with a cervicoplasty to remove excess skin.


In continuation to the midline platysma plication from the platysmaplasty technique, the platysma muscle can then be lifted up near the ears to tighten it further and address saggy skin and jowling.

Small incisions are placed under the chin and behind the ears so the excess skin can be removed. Neck skin is carefully redraped without tension and excess skin is trimmed, creating a firmer and smoother appearance.


  • Reduced signs of aging, more youthful appearance
  • Refined lines and wrinkles in the neck area
  • Tighten underlying neck muscles
  • Lifting and smoothing jowls
  • Reduction of excess, sagging skin
  • Contouring a double chin
  • Minimal scarring
  • Short healing period
  • Boosted confidence


Recovery time depends upon which of the neck lift procedures were utilized and if other facial surgeries were performed during the same setting.

Patients should expect some swelling and bruising right after surgery. Additionally, they might experience a feeling of tightness under the neck. This is absolutely normal and it should dissipate after 2 weeks along with any puffiness or discoloration.

During these two weeks, Dr. Stavrou recommends that his patients must keep their head elevated when they sleep with the help of a few pillows to speed the resolution of post-op swelling and bruising.

Patients will be also wearing a latex free/hypoallergenic neck bandage for one week. The compressive bandage will compress the operated neck to its new contour and ensure a smooth and fast recovery.

In addition to this, to prevent any blood or fluid collection, Dr. Stavrou places a very small drain under the skin during the operation. The drain is removed painlessly after 1-2 days in the office.

Typically, patients return to their daily activities, including their jobs, within 2 weeks after surgery. However, in order to indulge in more vigorous exercises and activities, they should wait until 4-6 weeks post op.

During the recovery period, sun protection is necessary to prevent permanent hyperpigmentation and sunburn to the incisions and the treated area. Wearing makeup is permitted after 1 week post-op. If patients feel any other complications, it is strongly recommended to contact their doctor immediately. 

Where Will Neck Lift Surgery Take Place?

Dr. Stavrou performs neck lift surgery in accredited medical centers in Cyprus, Greece and Malta.

The procedure takes place in a safe and sterile operation room. The surgeon uses only state-of-the-art medical equipment. The staff involved is thoroughly trained and specialized in cosmetic surgery. Dr. Stavrou wants to ensure a safe, well-controlled and comfortable surgical experience for his patients.

After the procedure, the patient is transferred to the recovery suite and is closely monitored by the medical staff.

The European Institute of Plastic Surgery (EIPS) offers exceptional health care and meets the high standards of safety and care set by European laws. EIPS clinics provide individualized health care in a beautiful, exclusive and luxurious environment.

Meet Dr. Demetris Stavrou

Dr. Stavrou is a board-certified Plastic Surgeon leading the European Institute of Plastic Surgery since 2012. He was trained in top Medical Institutions in Greece, London, Melbourne and Israel. He has extensive experience in all types of plastic surgery and an artistic eye. He is compassionate and always by the side of his patients to make them feel comfortable, secure and confident. For Dr. Stavrou, paying attention to the details is what makes the difference in cosmetic procedures.

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    Nicosia & Limassol, Cyprus